wise words from bill watterson

i'm supposed to be doing homework, but i have no motivation. or had no motivation, until, in my procrastinating, i stumbled across Bill Watterson's Kenyon College commencement speech, which i think is really good. there are some things that life, work, and play have in common, and if we can find those things and do them, we've found a good path. (Dorothy Sayers touches on this - actually, Dorothy Sayers annihilates this subject - in her essay "Why Work?" which you should hunt down and read as well).

David Foster Wallace also gave a commencement speech at Kenyon in 2005, you can find it online or, if you want to spend money, they turned it into a cute little book with goldfish on it (which of course catches my attention).

if you read this blog and you don't go take a few minutes to read both of those as a result, you're missing out. this is sort of a threat, sort of a guilt trip, and sort of hoping you will read and enjoy both :)

if you don't read this blog i would almost hold you unaccountable (since then, you didn't know about the speeches), except then i remember: you should have been reading this blog.

peace, love, and happiness to all.


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