why i should wake up early

i have plenty of good reasons for this (such as: i have more time to get on top of my schoolwork so i won't waste money on tuition and can do well so i can feel good about myself as a student and also so i can get into a good grad school; i have more time to work out so i can both a. eat more taco bell and b. feel better about my body image; i have more time to journal and write and actually do the things i'd like to do for a living one day; i can actually be on time to class; i am just naturally a morning person and therefore happier when i get up in the morning; etc etc etc), but none of them seemed to click until i thought of this in the shower this morning:

1. if i wake up earlier, i can go on a run (note: this alone is not sufficient reasoning, because running is hard and really not that fun. people really have to lie to themselves a lot before they actually mean it when they say they like it).
2. if i go on a run, i have to shower (automatic better reason because sometimes i don't shower and i feel terrible all day for the people sitting next to me in class, etc etc etc)
3. because i went on a run, my body temperature is raised and i don't take a normal (for me) 120-degree shower.
4. because i don't take a 120-degree shower, i take a seven-minute shower instead of a forty-minute one.
5. because i took a seven-minute 98-degree shower instead of a forty-minute 120-degree one, i don't have to a. deal with the chills i get from moving from a hot shower to cold room or b. spend time basking in the sauna-like afterglow of a hot shower
6. because i'm not dealing with chills or basking in warm afterglow, my homeostasis is already regulated and i'm anatomically free to get my act together and get ready for class on time and even have time to do other things, like write blogs posts.

this makes so much sense to me. i can't believe it took me all the way until the last day of the semester to realize it. it's a giant lightbulb moment. watch out, world, melissa's up and her homeostasis is regulated.


MT said…
Your posts are always so entertaining yet true! This one is one of my favorites :)
Swifty said…

I am happy to hear that you and your homeostasis have worked out your difficulties.

Taco bell is glorious.

You should always wake up earlier if it means more blog posts from you!
brandilyn said…
you go, melissa!! i like the reasoning. i, too, hate running...mostly because i'm an out-of-shape asthmatic and would need to work HARD to change that.
Lizzie said…
Oh Melissa... how I love your blogs. You always make me smile :)

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