scientific report

it is true. TV rots your brain. i have been watching it. and i have nothing to say.


anyone who ever told you this is right, right, right.

the case study proves it.

when i am done watching the entire OC series i will write one big blog post about
a) why i shouldn't have and
b) why you shouldn't either and
c) why saying all this justifies the fact that i did (even if it doesn't)


Swifty said…
Ryan Atwood does not rot the brain. His dark, dark gorgeous brooding angst actually makes the brain very, very stimulated ;)
JanG said…
I am just a little overdone with hearing "california, california, here we come...." theme song, which tells me my kids brains are rotting for another whole episode - thank you DVD technology. Also, Aren't they already in California?
Karyn said…
Haha!! TV does rot your brain...unless you are watching Chuck. I am quite positive Chuck is the only TV show worth watching that does not rot brain cells.

MT said…
Naturally I stand in defense of Smallville (perhaps I'll write my own post about it one day).
But thanks for the report on all other forms of television ;)

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