i haven't blogged in a while (as usual). there has been truckloads of things driving through my mind (as usual). i am pretty busy (as usual). i miss having time / place to put my thoughts anywhere (as usual). i need to get better at time management (this is actually new).

here's some quick facts on life:

things i have sworn off and need accountability for
peanut-butter-and-chocolate-chip sandwiches, doritos, pointless shopping

things i am currently battling an addiction to
caffeine, smallville, twitter

things i miss
jenny, kellyn, paula, kristen, dodger, noah's bagels with dad

things i have been thinking about
what i should do with my life, if it matters what i should do with my life, how i know what i should do with my life, if i'm a good person, why or why not i'm a good person, if and why or why not other people are good people, if i should keep thinking about deciding if everything i believe is true, if i'm a writer or not, if it's important to forcefully invest in people or better to just let relationships happen naturally, what i should read at Shy Writers on Friday and if i can finagle anyone i know into going with me

things i have been reading
Immanuel Kant, Strunk & White's Elements of Style, Art Beyond the West, David Timms' Sacred Waiting, The Last Psychiatrist, billions of emails from my bosses (John Fox and Hannah Lee), William Langland's Piers Plowman, my parent's twitters (tweets i guess they're called)

things i have found myself unimpressed with
the pretentious standoffish stance on Scott Adam's blog, how many art supplies i have to lug around for my job (87billion pounds of them), the amount of storage space in my dorm room, how hard it is to focus and get homework done, the amount of hours in a day (only 24?! God, what were you thinking?! isn't 40 a more holy number?), midday traffic and red-light-to-green-light ratio on Valley View Avenue, my practice GRE scores (oh my gosh i have plummeted from child prodigy to moronic dunce), worship in chapel, having to shower almost every day (whyyyy oh why don't i stay clean?), my inconsistent attention span, the fact i only speak English (there is a girl speaking Italian in my lobby right now WOW), blended chai bombs, the intensity of the world of writing/publishing, Biola's BUBBS email system.

things i have found myself impressed with
how fun it is when athletes from all different sports play together, how fun BIKING is, berry-pineapple smoothies from BobaLoca, how smart some other people are, the grand irony of life, photographers.


this sort of blogging is like the chips they put on the table at Mexican restaurants. not really good for you, but you secretly want them and will eat too many of them any ways.

one day, one day, i will blog the equivalent of carne asada mmmmmmmmmmmm.


JanG said…
Mmmm. Can we please get another bowl of chips, senorita!
MT said…
I LOVE CHIPS! These are fun...mostly because it's a "how well are you keeping up with your girlfriend's thoughts test" for me :)
Swifty said…
Dude I will eat a whole basket of those chips whenever I can.

Carne asada is delicious though, too.

The GRE is scary and makes my heart thump loudly from the scariness.

Also, if it's any comfort (not comfort is possible, in addiction), but I battle a caffeine addiction as well and it is something that I should change but just don't want to and am in serious denial about it. But you're not alone.

Also also, the grand irony of life impresses me much.

Also also also, I like that they give you salsa with your chips at restaurants, but I feel like the world would improve infinitely if they gave free guacamole as well.
brandilyn said…
I enjoy yours as well!!

And i love these kind of blogs.

I think every one of mine is pointless and rambling and list-y...

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